U.S. Embassy & Consulate in Vietnam

Please keep in mind that your electronic and / or bio-metric signature during the visa application process on any visa application form is your guarantee that all information you provide is true and correct. You are personally and legally responsible, even if a travel agent or someone else prepares your documents for you. Any fraudulent documents or misleading statements may result in your permanent ineligibility for any future visa .
You are not allowed to bring electronic devices, including mobile telephones, into the Embassy or Consulate General. We regret any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your cooperation .
As is standard practice around the world, we do not permit third parties to attend Non-immigrant visa interviews. This rule also applies to third parties who are U.S. Citizens or Lawful Permanent Residents. If a third party has an interest in your case, please have them write a letter stating their interest and bring it to your interview. Minors under age of 17 MUST be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian to the interview. Additionally, in cases where the applicant is disabled, the parent / guardian of the applicant may attend the interview. Your interview can be conducted in Vietnamese or in English, as you prefer. If you speak neither Vietnamese nor English, you may bring an interpreter .
No assurance regarding the issuance of visas can be given in advance.  Please do not make any binding travel plans until you have received your visa.

Medical treatment and hospital care in the United States can be expensive, foreign medical insurance is generally not accepted inside the United States and visitors and temporary residents are required to pay their own medical costs.  If your insurance policy does not cover you outside of your home country, it is a good idea to consider purchasing a short-term policy that does.  There are health insurance policies designed specifically to cover travel.  Many travel agents and private companies offer insurance plans that will cover health care expenses incurred in the United States.  If you have a recurring medical condition, or anticipate the need for medical care during your stay in the United States, please plan accordingly by obtaining the appropriate coverage prior to your departure.

Legal Rights and Protections for Certain Employment or Education-based Nonimmigrants – Notice : Informational Pamphlet is Now Available !
The William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Re-authorization Act ( WWTVPRA ) of 2008 was signed into law on December 23, 2008, by the President. The Act makes several changes to Non-immigrant visa classification criteria, visa processing requirements, and the grounds for inadmissibility under INA section 212 ( a ) ( 2 ) ( H ) .
The changes under this provision of this law, relate to the legal rights of certain employment or education-based Non-immigrants under Federal immigration, labor, and employment laws. Additionally, this law outlines the information to be provided to certain Non-immigrants about their rights, protections and available resources. When working or studying in the United States temporarily, we want to ensure each Non-immigrant visa recipient is aware of his / her rights, as well as protections and resources available. To learn more, review the Non-immigrant Rights, Protections and Resources pamphlet. Information on this topic is also available to Non-immigrant visa applicants in the employment and education-based visa webpages on this site .

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